The Role of Empathy Within Project ManagementEmpathy: “ The ability to understand and share the feelings of another “. The traditional Project Management Competence Framework seeks...
Paul Steinfort receives Order of AustraliaIn the recent Queen’s Birthday honours we were delighted that PSA Project MD, Paul Steinfort, was recognised as a Member of the Order of...
PSA Project Part Art, Part SciencePSA Project have been engaged in the remote community of Utopia and further afield for over 12 months addressing Program and Project...
Gantt, Effective Since 1914, Whats Next?Online Project Management solutions / products have inundated the PM community the past 10 years. An online search quickly results in a...
Post Disaster Community Project ManagementThe recent media coverage and overall focus on the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the spotlight from the devastating bushfires of late...
Risk Management in the Current EnvironmentDespite the current impacts of COVID-19 construction within Australia has continued and as many projects are successfully completed, many...